HTCondor on demand

Deployment schema

Deployment schema

AuthN/Z schema

AuthN/Z schema

Automation flow

Automation flow

Deploying HTCondor on demand

Retrieve IAM token


You'll be prompted with username and password requests. Just insert the one corresponding to you Indigo-IAM account.

Method 1: Deployment with orchestrator

Get the templates

Template for HTC cluster on demand with orchestrator

Quick look at ansible

HTCONDOR cluster Ansible

Fill the missing parameters



After using the $HOME/ script to retrieve the token, export it into an env variable together with the orchestrator endpoint:

export ORCHENT_TOKEN=<your token here>
orchent depcreate condor_orchestrator.yaml '{}'

Log into k8s master

Get the private key for the master node key:

orchent depshow <UUID>

Then log in with:

chmod 600 mykey
ssh -i mykey k8s_master

Method 2: Deployment with IM DODAS

Get the templates

Template for k8s cluster

Template for HTC cluster

DODAS templates repo

Fill the missing parameters


Validate the template


After using the $HOME/ script to retrieve the token and to configure the dodas client:

dodas create htcondor_k8s-cluster.yaml

N.B. the client installation guide and reference can be found here.

Log into k8s master

Get the private key for the master node key:

dodas get vm <infID> 0