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Deploy you cluster with a standalone IM

Before starting be sure to have all the requirements satisfied.

Run a local instance of the Infrastructure Manager

We are going to spin up an instance of IM with docker:

sudo docker run -d -p 8899:8899 -p 8800:8800 -v "/<some_local_path for db>:/db" -e IM_DATA_DB=/db/inf.dat --name im grycap/im:1.9.0

other installing options are available here

N.B be careful of not loosing the folder where IM stores deployment information (the one mounted in the container). Otherwise you will need to remove the created resources by hand from the cloud provider ui.

Setting up dodas client

Create a config file in $HOME/.dodas.yaml:

  id: ost
  type: OpenStack
  host: <your cloud host> # e.g.
  username: <user>
  password: <pwd>
  tenant: <your tenant>
  auth_version: <you auth version> # e.g. 3.x_oidc_access_token
  #service_region: regionOne
  id: im
  type: InfrastructureManager
  host: http://localhost:8800/infrastructures
  username: test
  password: test

and fill up the fields needed for you cloud provider.

Install your application

Let's take Apache Spark deployment on K8s as an example. The template to be used is this. To start your deployment:

dodas create dodas-apps/templates/applications/k8s/template-spark.yaml

The output should be like this:

    validate called
    Template OK
    Template: dodas-apps/templates/applications/k8s/template-spark.yml
    Submitting request to  :
    InfrastructureID:  9b917c8c-4345-11ea-b524-0242ac150003

To get the infrastructure ID (infID) of all your deployments

dodas list infIDs

And the output should be like this:

    infIDs called
    Submitting request to  :  http://localhost:8800/infrastructures
    Infrastructure IDs:

To check the status of the deployment

dodas get status <infID>

And to get the output of the deployment

dodas get output <infID>

And the output should be like this:

status called
Submitting request to  :
Deployment output:
{"outputs": {"k8s_endpoint": ""}}

Then, to access the k8s dashboard go to and to access the jupyter notebook go to

To log into one of the VM created by the deployment:

dodas login <infID> <vmID>
sudo su