
HTCondor cluster Helm Chart

Deployment schema

Deployment schema

AuthN/Z schema

AuthN/Z schema

Deployment on Kubernetes with Helm

Quick Start

helm repo add dodas https://dodas-ts.github.io/helm_charts
helm repo update
helm install htcondor dodas/htcondor

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml


Value Default Description Type
condorHost null Private or public address of the HTCondor master string
ccbHost null Public address of the HTCondor master string
proxyCacheHost null Address for Token2proxy translation service Usually put this as the address of the k8s master node string
proxyCachePort 30080 Exposed port for Token2proxy translation service  
htcMaster.enabled true Enable HTCondor master deployment boolean
htcMaster.image dodasts/htcondor HTCondor master docker image string
htcMaster.tag fermi HTCondor master docker image tag string
htcMaster.pullPolicy IfNotPresent HTCondor master image pull policy string
htcMaster.replicas 1 HTCondor master replicas int
networkInterface ”” HTCondor master network interface (address) to be used string
nodeSelector see values.yaml HTCondor master node affinity string
htcSchedd.enabled true Enable HTCondor Sched deployment boolean
htcSchedd.image dodasts/htcondor HTCondor Sched docker image string
htcSchedd.tag fermi HTCondor Sched docker image tag string
htcSchedd.pullPolicy IfNotPresent HTCondor Sched image pull policy int
htcSchedd.replicas 1 HTCondor Sched replicas int
htcSchedd.networkInterface ”” HTCondor Sched network interface (address) to be used string
htcSchedd.lowPort 31024 HTCondor Sched lower port limit int
htcSchedd.highPort 32048 HTCondor Sched higher port limit int
htcSchedd.nodeSelector see values.yaml HTCondor Sched node affinity string
htcSchedd.persistence.enabled true Enable HTCondor Sched persistence of the spool directory boolean
htcSchedd.persistence.size 5Gi Spool directory volume size string
htcSchedd.persistence.claimSize 4Gi Spool directory volumeClaim size string
htcSchedd.persistence.storageClass local-storage Spool directory storage class string
htcSchedd.persistence.mountPath /var/lib/condor/spool/ Spool directory docker mount point string
htcSchedd.persistence.options see values.yaml Spool directory additional volume options strings
htcWn.image dodasts/htcondor HTCondor WorkerNode docker image string
htcWn.tag fermi HTCondor WorkerNode docker image tag string
htcWn.pullPolicy IfNotPresent HTCondor WorkerNode image pullPolicy string
htcWn.replicas 1 HTCondor WorkerNode replicas float
htcWn.cpu.request 1 HTCondor WorkerNode k8s cpu requested float
htcWn.cpu.limit 1.5 HTCondor WorkerNode k8s cpu limit float
htcWn.ram.request 2048Mi HTCondor WorkerNode k8s memory requested string
htcWn.ram.limit 2500Mi HTCondor WorkerNode k8s memory limit string
htcWn.slotType cpus=1, mem=2000 HTCondor WorkerNode condor slot type string
htcWn.nodeSelector see values.yaml HTCondor WorkerNode node affinity strings
htcWn.siteConfCMS.enabled false enable HTCondor WorkerNode configuration for CMS experiment boolean
htcWn.siteConfCMS.files see values.yaml HTCondor WorkerNode configuration files for CMS experiment list
ttsCache.enabled true Enable TTS cache deployment boolean
ttsCache.image dodasts/ttscache TTS cache docker image string
ttsCache.tag v1.1.0-dodas TTS cache docker image tag string
ttsCache.pullPolicy IfNotPresent TTS cache image pull policy string
ttsCache.replicas 1 TTS cache replicas int
ttsCache.iamToken null IAM access token of the admin string
ttsCache.iamClientId null IAM client ID for proxy retrieval string
ttsCache.iamClientSecret null IAM client secret for proxy retrieval string
ttsCache.iamScimClientId null TBD string
ttsCache.iamScimSecret null TBD string
ttsCache.iamMapGroup ALL TBD string
ttsCache.proxyAudience “https://dodas-tts.cloud.cnaf.infn.it” TTS service audience string
ttsCache.proxyTTS “https://dodas-tts.cloud.cnaf.infn.it” TTS service endpoint string
ttsCache.proxyIAMEndpoint “https://dodas-iam.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/” IAM service endpoint string
ttsCache.proxyCredentialEndpoint “https://dodas-tts.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/api/v2/iam/credential” IAM service endpoint for credentials string
nfs.enabled false Enable NFS volumes for WNs boolean
nfs.size 1Gi NFS volume size string
nfs.claimSize 950Mi NFS volumeClain size string
nfs.server DUMMY NFS master address string
nfs.path ”/” NFS volume path string
nfs.mountPath ”/” NFS volume mount path string
cvmfs.enabled false Enable CVMFS volumes for WNs boolean
cvmfs.image cloudpg/cvmfs CVMFS pod image string
cvmfs.tag k8s CVMFS pod image tag string
cvmfs.pullPolicy IfNotPresent CVMFS pod image pullPolicy string
cvmfs.replicas 1 CVMFS pod replicas int
cvmfs.repoList cms.cern.ch oasis.cern.ch CVMFS repos to be mounted strings
cvmfs.privKey dummy content Set the content of CVMFS cvmfs keys string
cvmfs.defaultLocalConfig dummy content Set the content of CVMFS config files list
squid.enabled true Enable squid deployment boolean
squid.image dodasts/squid squid docker image string
squid.tag v1.1.0-dodas squid docker image tag string
squid.pullPolicy IfNotPresent squid image pull policy string
squid.replicas 1 squid replicas int