Dodas app install cod
dodas app install cod
Install CachingOnDemand
Install CachingOnDemand
dodas app install cod [flags]
dodas app install cod
--gsi-enabled Enable GSI-VO auth
-h, --help help for cod
--nslaves int Number of cache servers (default 2)
--origin-host string Origin server host (default "")
--origin-port int Origin server port (default 1094)
--redirector-host string Cache redirector host
--redirector-port int Cache redirector port (default 31213)
--set stringArray Use custom flags or override existing flags
(example --set persistence.enabled=true)
--voms-file string Provide a voms file for a vo (example --voms-file cms.txt=/tmp/voms/cms.txt)
--x509-cert string path to the certificate for cache server auth with remote
--x509-key string path to the certificate key for cache server auth with remote
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string DODAS config file (default is $HOME/.dodas.yaml)
--kubeconfig string Kubernetes config file (default is /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf) (default "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf")
- dodas app install - Install a DODAS cluster with Kubernetes apps