Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service: DODAS
Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service (DODAS) is a Platform as a Service tool built combining several solutions and products developed by theINDIGO-DataCloud H2020 project and now part of the EOSC-hub H2020 Project.
DODAS allows to instantiate on-demand kubernetes-based cluster over any cloud with almost zero effort and with very limited knowledge of the underlying technical details. DODAS provides the end user with all the support to deploy both HTCondor batch system and platforms for the Big Data analysis based on Spark, Hadoop etc.
DODAS, as a Thematic Services in the context of EOSC-hub project, is financially supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement RIA 777536.
This work is co-funded by the EOSC-hub project (Horizon 2020) under Grant number 777536.
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